In 2021, Bayo Akomolafe and friends undertook inviting 1000 people from across the globe into the We Will Dance with Mountains Course /Festival. The experience included 9 online events, guests, rituals, art, research components and an online community hosted through Mighty Networks (like facebook but private),

In the Mighty Networks a plethora of self-organising groups formed. One of these, was the Shadow Craft-Raft: Audio Voice Exchange. This group was set apart by its framework whereby spoken recordings of thoughts were required instead of writing, in order to be a more accessible space.

This self organised space became incredibly generative with shared ideas and multi modal responses emerging. There is something about an improvisational approach to creativity, a bone structure which acknowledges there are other agencies at play and that we create, think, experience NO THING alone which shifts the entire dynamic of our dominant paradigm way of perceiving ourselves and what it means to be human in a porous intra-active world. Find out more at the website which emerged through the 20/21 course & continued into the 2021/22 course/festival.