Frame Drumming on the West Australian coast.

A clip Sacha Fawkes shot on our trip down the Western Australian coastline 2012. I am almost finished my first year of the Master of Teaching course I am completing. More news on recordings, performances and workshops soon!

‘The Sound of Everything’

‘The Sound of Everything’ installation/performance as part of my Artist in Residence at Thirning Villa: Sydney.
Thanks to Ruth Allen for the gorgeous back drop of ‘permeable’ and for the resonating vessels. Thanks also to the team of image makers. Nina Kourea, Suzie Wix, Selwyn Hunt and Carolyn Nowaczyk Film edited and sound by Me- M.Loucataris. For more information on my residency and on the project – see a number of posts below as well as my residency blog

Betwixt : New album released

A compilation of instrumental works created for theatre, dance, film and installation works 2000-2010. Listen and buy from Bandcamp : ) Cleaning out the sonic cupboard feels good : )

Ruth Allen’s 4D


Excellent to reconnect with talented and visionary glass/installation artist Ruth Allen this month through an installation at the Frankston Arts Centre in Melbourne. I have sent down 3 sound pieces which will be pumped out onto the streets of Frankston. Two are old pieces written for other projects but which suit the nature of the work and one was designed especially for this installation using sounds made by playing various bits of Ruth’s glass work. Here are some snippets of the sound.


For more information on Ruth Allen’s work go here.

You can also see some video snippets of our previous collaborations under the name GENERATE with dancer Tammy Meeuwissen. Look under video section for “the dome” & “SKIN-LESS” here. It is a flash site with video and audio documentation of my collaborative cross artform work 1998-2008. It takes a few minutes to load but its interactive and fun to explore.

It has always been a delight to collaborate with Ruth Allen as her mind is a fire of ideas and she is a powerhouse in terms of manifesting the unlikely verging on impossible. Working with her creatively is working magic. Bringing the underlying beauty, asymmetrical complexity and resonance of the world to the fore for all to see. She also introduced me to Buckminster Fuller whose ideas and work have always been a great inspiration for us both.

We will be doing a “meet the artist” event on the 21st of February. Love Melbourne!

Brian Eno and Jon Hassell in Sydney

Brian Eno is in Sydney curating Luminous. A festival of music, light, ideas and performance. Having decided to stay home for the winter, instead of a Europe adventure, I have treated myself to a number of events for the festival.
Jon Hassel and Maarifa Street was the first. Totally sublime………..
Here is the moon being dwarfed by Eno’s ever changing projections on The Opera House.

Here is a link to the web cam of the Opera House

Eno’s ’77 million paintings’ an installation with sound and slowly evolving images is gorgeous and one could happily inhabit it for days and come out the other end significantly closer to resolve.

Last night was a “conversation” between Brian Eno and Jon Hassell. Which was funny, intelligent, inspiring, affirming and hmmmmmmmmmm slightly disturbing in terms of the usual questionable white male gender and indigenous politics still being present ….even in these the most admired of my creative thinkers. Over all though wonderful to be present for it.

This was their starting point.

“We both come from an artistic frame of mind which assumes that art is in some sense practiced philosophy, that the decisions an artist makes aren’t separate from the world view that he holds and that art can be seen as a ‘working out’ of social/philosophical/cultural ideas. ” Eno 2009, Sydney Opera House

There is much I could say on this as it really is a very lived reality for me which is both wonderful and fraught with difficulty, as so many of these ‘creative’ decisions seem to be at odds with prudence. Prudence a word which i have been exploring the meaning of on a daily basis of late. I digress, I digress, I digress…. I could go on….. but i won’t for now ……….heading off to Canberra to engage in 2 creative collaborations with 2 old friends……more on that later… I am blessed!

Definition from Wikipedia
Prudence is the exercise of sound judgment in practical affairs. It is classically considered to be a virtue. Virtue is the ability to judge between virtuous and vicious actions, not only in a general sense, but with regard to appropriate actions at a given time and place. Although prudence itself does not perform any actions, and is concerned solely with knowledge, all virtues had to be regulated by it. Distinguishing when acts are courageous, as opposed to reckless or cowardly, for instance, is an act of prudence, and for this reason it is classified as a cardinal (pivotal) virtue.

In modern English, however, the word has become increasingly synonymous with cautiousness. In this sense, prudence names a reluctance to take risks, which remains a virtue with respect to unnecessary risks, but when unreasonably extended (i.e. over-cautiousness), can become the vice of cowardice.