Online Biography

I have been updating my WebWorld – this site will become the ongoing blog page and archive.
GO HERE for the new way in to my creative WebWorld!

I have been updating my WebWorld – this site will become the ongoing blog page and archive.
GO HERE for the new way in to my creative WebWorld!
A commission from Headquarters to create a work for their dedicated, disability-led digital space. What Are We? is art as cultural practice. It emerged out of conversations and invites further conversations around the questions: Can an animist perspective, a sense of there being other agents in play beyond the human, tapestried with an awareness of the ableist framework, shape shift – create alternative ways of experiencing reality & understanding ourselves & our relationship with the diverse social & biological ecologies we are part of? See the whole website here.
In early 2022 a was a Virtual Artist in Residence with the North Midlands Project. It was wonderful working with Shiona Herbert, a teacher at Coorow Primary School to engage her students in a Media Arts Experiment. We have been able to Ebb & Flow and explore the provocation – “If Water Could Speak” – what is it saying? How can we give voice to water through sharing images, sounds and arising words. Alongside the project, Shiona did this interview with me and the project was extended as a global invitation to participate. I have also worked with a group of community members to explore what kind of connections we could build through Online Creative Collaboration. You can view all the works here. And watch the co-created audio visual mediation below.
Improvising With The Other Than Human. IWTOTH. An experimental invitation to listen to music/sounds as if you were listening to sounds in a forrest ecology. Expect the sounds to be diffractive / multiplicitous / an example of turbulent flow. Is it possible to turn off your rational music critic brain which may well hear the combination of sounds as out of time, messy, weird? Can we inhabit the spaces in between. Sit within the forrest and observe & respond without judgement, wanting to measure, control or critique? Find out more at the website. The works arose out of We Will Dance With Mountains course/festival 2021/22, with Bayo Akomolafe.
In 2021, Bayo Akomolafe and friends undertook inviting 1000 people from across the globe into the We Will Dance with Mountains Course /Festival. The experience included 9 online events, guests, rituals, art, research components and an online community hosted through Mighty Networks (like facebook but private),
In the Mighty Networks a plethora of self-organising groups formed. One of these, was the Shadow Craft-Raft: Audio Voice Exchange. This group was set apart by its framework whereby spoken recordings of thoughts were required instead of writing, in order to be a more accessible space.
This self organised space became incredibly generative with shared ideas and multi modal responses emerging. There is something about an improvisational approach to creativity, a bone structure which acknowledges there are other agencies at play and that we create, think, experience NO THING alone which shifts the entire dynamic of our dominant paradigm way of perceiving ourselves and what it means to be human in a porous intra-active world. Find out more at the website which emerged through the 20/21 course & continued into the 2021/22 course/festival.
5 poets, a river, Tricky & me. For the Denmark Festival of Voice I worked with some inspiring poets and created an installation piece and this site. Listen to an instrumental version of the whole project below which you can also download and stream on my Bandcamp site.
Thoughts : Track 2 from my Solo Piano album.
Released in 2019 – Vision by Tasty Beacon, completed in April 2020.
An encouragement, to allow ourselves to grieve all the things that are moving from one state to another
We were something – and now we are something else – and then we will be something else again.
A continual process of ends and beginnings.
A sense of newness can only be glimpsed, if we allow ourselves to feel the sadness at the passing of things
Time, parts of ourselves, ways of existing, the morning, the night, the spiders web
This piece is an invitation to pause and consider all we have lost
rhythm | chanting | breath
ground | focus | be in-sync
A workshop to explore how rhythm can be used
to move from one state to another.
Hosted by Sonia Dezius at the
Denmark Yoga Centre Feb 1 2019.
Led by me.
Connect on the facebook event page.
I did some sound design and some music and some sound sweetening on this film made by John Carberry aka Tasty Beacon and it was shown at Revelation.
I recently embarked on a sonic filing exercise in order to rediscover music recordings which were gathering dust in failing hard drives. My aim was to make them available to friends, who have been using recordings in their film projects. I stumbled across a surprising amount of interesting solo piano works and decided to release them as a little album. A number of the pieces were inspired by the philosophy and art of Wassily Kandinsky and Egyptian Baladi music. Buy it on Bandcamp for the price of shouting me a coffee in your favourite cafe.