Rhythm, Drumming & Dance

Hilal Dance Workshop in Wollongong

'Mizmar' Mozaic Dance Company 2008, Sidetrack Theatre

'Mizmar' Mozaic Dance Company 2008, Sidetrack Theatre

Hilal Dance Workshop
Body Work and Traditional | ‘Sha’abi’ with Sarah Hamilton
For Men and Women of all levels including beginners
Sunday 27th September

This workshop will be an introduction to Hilal Dance bodywork and traditional Egyptian ‘sha’abi’ dance. Hilal Dance is fantastic for any performer interested in exploring their physical expression as well as wonderful for anyone interested in posture, yoga, breathing, getting fit and integrating body, mind and emotion.

Suitable for total beginners as well as experienced dancers from all backgrounds-
contemporary/ movement theatre to folk, cabaret and music theatre.

Contact Manthy for more info, to book and for details of venue
info at mariantheloucataris.com

Sarah Hamilton is an accredited Hilal Dance teacher and has performed
with the Suraya Hilal Dance Company in Australia
and Europe.

For more information see www.hilaldance.co.uk

If there is enough interest i am looking at running a weekly training session in Wollongong after this workshop.
(led by me)

More drum circles than ever : )

drum tree 4 web home_3_2
The past few months has seen me busier than ever with drumming. I am currently working with the Song Room to deliver programs in primary schools. I am using rhythm as a basis to explore creating performance material incorporating drumming, movement, words and voice. Its alot of fun and has loads of benefits for the children including | gaining self confidence, getting comfortable with ‘creating’ individually and as a group, learning about communication, focus, memory, self expression …..and the list goes on. Not to mention gaining a love for music and creative practice. I have begun writing a resource for the work I have developed over the past 12 years. Will keep you posted on that.

I am also in the middle of a youth project with the Cringilla Co-op in Cringilla working with 2 other arts workers to create performance material fusing drumming, dance, rapping, singing and story. We are also using working in a circle to develop this material.

Today I conducted a workshop for school councilors who were interested in having a fun way to conclude their conference and who were also interested in my work with young people from non english speaking backgrounds. They all had a great time and we discussed the means by which rhythm and drumming in a circle can help to develop emotional awareness and control, group bonding, improvement in integrated right/left brain function and of course just for fun and relaxation.

Meanwhile classes are going well Mondays and Fridays in Wollongong and occasional week-ends in Sydney.